4 Steps for a Mid-Year Review
Can you believe that 2019 is halfway over? Can you think back to January? Did you make New Year’s Resolutions? Did you create a business plan? Whether you did these things or not, we recommend completing a mid-year check-in. There is no better way to make sure you are on track, acknowledge your accomplishments and create new goals. Here are 4 steps to evaluate your progress in 2019.
Start with the Positives
What are your highlights of 2019 so far?
What are you most proud of personally?
What are you most proud of professionally?
2. Evaluate Your 2019 Goals– Separate your goals into three categories.
Not accomplished, but no longer serves a purpose
Work in Progress
3. Dive Deep into Your Goals – For each goal in the Work in Progress category, ask yourself the following questions:
What is your progress so far?
What is helping you to achieve this goal?
What things could you improve?
Who can help you achieve this goal?
4. Plan with the End in Mind- When you create a business plan at the beginning of the year you have a blank slate. A whole 12 months to accomplish your goals. Doing a mid-year review can help you prioritize the goals you haven’t met yet, and help you create S.M.A.R.T goals for the remainder of the year. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.